Old Journals

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Nobody enjoys monotonous work, therefore when doing monotonous work, one cannot realize its potential. There is one fact, that with more time spent on a matter, the easier, and more comfortable one becomes with that matter. With this into consideration, visualize all activities which you wish to accel at one point or another being this tandem of profound intimacy, and unquestionable insight through practice, and just tenacious hours of grueling work, during which a person may, and often does, begin to lose sense of the reality about oneself and the work in general; sometimes, this exceeds his/her capacity, and the intolerant proceeds to loathe the work, when in reality this is the moment of truth, and greatest understanding. However the point is, he/she is simply sick of as much of the work as the mind is in processing (this equates to eating a large potato).


Today is a sad day for me b/c the SMP program is over for the year. However, I've learned a great deal of many things, so it's only emotionally sad in lieu of loss of contact with the people I know. But in this sense it brings me to analyze my relations with others.

I cannot be greedy, and just like I cannot hope to be an expert in any subject I study, I cannot hope to know all of the people I meet, not even that, but all of the people I deem necessary to know. There are just too many people. This in turn places more burdens on my own moral definitions, which define to what extent I will engage in an activity, or a personal relationship. There are totally nonspecific, and arbitrary in the sense that I create them from my own experiences with the world.

Just as I've seen I cannot be greedy about what I learn, and who I know, I cannot be greedy in what I say so much that I am no longer able to take into account what is being taught to me, and internalize some belief, and sense from it, because I am so anxious in wanting to pose my questions. I must learn to sacrifice the time when I will ask ?ns, or the ?ns themselves.

I must also be very, very, VERY, VERY ( I could stress is any more . . ) weary, and cautious about what temporary distractions, I allow to become my obsessions. After all this goes back to the argument of placing the big stones in the jar b4, not after, one has places the fine sand grains into the jar. (E.g. do I allow a soccer session to dominate my life, and miss 1 physics session of 7, when I know that I was just as crazy about ping-pong which I no longer play)

The answer to the example, solely depends on my morals even though it strongly hints that soccer should not take precedence, however it does not directly SAY that ( something which I notice more and more about physics books; anything directly NOT stated is NOT true, just as if something IS directly stated then is always TRUE)


When I can spend four hours of my time, hustling back and forth doing nothing much, besides copying a CD and cleaning some things around the house and also spend those four hours in school absorbing valuable information about Physics and Calculus, there must be some significant change in my psyche which occurs when I enter this chool building & immerse myself in the social structure.

So I propose that I attempt to take the time I have as though I could waste it and do nothing too much with it, OR I could pretend that I am in those classes for that time and assign myself the same duties which seem to me at the moment not only almost impossible, but more so as though I can never muster the self-determination and strength to cause myself to feel the same way for such a prolonged time.

I also have the following logic to point out about learning to play guitar:

1. Playing by yourself takes the most talent, ingenuity, and experience, b/c there is nothing to build upon. It is more like painting on a blank canvas.

2. Playing with a group is a somewhat less challenging because there are the group “guide rails” provided by the other band members in both rhythm, tone, and key.

3. Paying from written or tabulated music is the least demanding and most autonomously progressive because it IS experience in the combinations of tone, etc. which are added to a person’s personal library and catalogue of possible snippets of music to combine. Plus it is steady, reliable methodology with predictable results and made test cases (the authors of the music!).

I find that I learn exceptionally well when I try to take on ther persona performing whatever action is being attempted to be taught to me. For example if I see some 1 untying a knot, then I pretend their hands re really mine, and through the visualizations, created senses, and thoughts, I learn that THAT way IS the way in which tying a knot (in this case) is done.

I can further abstract this concept to my studies in physics and calculus, etc. My main problem when I study these subjects, is that I raise more questions than I can possibly answer, with the given knowledge, and the time restrictions, but these ?ns do not hinder my self deprecating emotions. Now I've learned to attempt to take each problem's solution I see worked out, or mistake which I catch as another lesson (as though I'd learned it form a book). In this way I minimize the skepticism, thus reduce my stubbornness to accepting the material (which is the main hindrance in my appreciation and absorption of the stuff). Furthermore I now no longer have to take everything , as I like to do anyway (but this HAS been proven quite unsuccessful in most cases), and relate it back to the one or two lines I've read in a book, or heard from some1, and thus deemed as my only FACT for this type of idea, concept, or whatever I happen to be exploring (which is totally unscientific b/c it's extremely biased), and try to reason how, from that idea I am to attain this new idea. This, however tantalizingly useful it might seem, is completely anticlimactic in helping me reach my ultimate goal: the ability to perform whatever is being taught to my level of satisfaction. So now, I toss this idea, and false hope for increasing my reasoning abilities (what I'm asking for is incredible and is as if I'm to rediscover the entire theory, with all of the preliminary step by myself; no wonder the amount of work is intolerable, frustrating, and seemingly impossible most of the time), and replace it with an assured trust in these words and examples I'm seeing. This broadens my base with which I can now reason (and usually opens the door for more logical reasonings, which is what I'm after & what makes the practice or learning this new material fun, and motivates me to actually seek out the knowledge; this is the application part, the problem solving part, the creative part, the practical part (in my POV) as I progress through the ideas and concepts, solving problems, etc.) and make exiting logical conclusions from a limited number of knowns!


When I attempt to control my mood I try one or more of the following, separately or in conjunction with one another:

1. Look for the detailed piece of information that will most likely be on the exam

2. Remind myself that by doing this work (usually I say this when I'm reading a text) I am not becoming an expert, or even trying to, or thinking about it, but am more like a witness of a very special story of account of details aimed toward my enlightenment of a very interesting subject, which is somehow applicable to the real world. I might imagine this is some obscure fact some 1 is recalling to me at a movie party (like at Don's) or a story told by an observer of the events, or even a firsthand account.

3. I attempt to become the person or thing which is being described feeling, seeing, hearing, and sensing all that they would sense in a certain situation. I attempt to simulate the emotional impact a certain other event, or character in the story would have on me. This technique is most similar to acting.

4. I remind myself that what I do is for no other purpose than to please myself when I do it. And that nothing is necessary at any one moment, and that things will work themselves out with time, and patience (especially things like the proof of certain statements in a physics of calculus book). These things are much eased in their "working themselves out" when I utilize the techniques listed in this entry.

5. If the situation is out of control I try to change my environment, and the people surrounding me at that time, to receive a different sensory input and thus shift my thought's focus.

Why is it that when I'm a visitor at a friend's house, and I see a sharpened blade I think it is dangerous, but when my brother owns a blunt long sword I think that it would be "cool" to sharpen it?

Yesterday night, I felt as though I was battling to control two opposing viewpoints of the world. My habitual, and chronic (since, I believe, the beg. Of 10th grade and the failure of the AlgII exam) depressive one, and this new very positivistic view of all things I do as a service to myself.

The way I felt was simply that I was over stimulated to the point that my new view of the world sustained my happiness, however, it disallowed and significant progress in whatever I was attempting to do. Also, I noticed a similarity between it (the new positivistic view) and the old, in that, when I felt shied away from the developmental mindset, my head was usually filled with jealous thought, or general thoughts not involving myself, but my interactions with others. This behavior, is one which I blamed, almost totally, in previous entries as my crux to why I could not propagate my intellect into realistic action.

A further inspection, which I harbored today when I was issued a detention in "Management" "class", for refusing to put away my material two minutes before (so she claims) the lecture was over (and lo and behold, she asks me: "why did you do it, there were only two minutes left"; I want to ask her that same question, and I'm sure she'll answer: "Because I have to assert my authority as a teacher", and I'll answer that I have to assert my authority as a self oriented individual, who does not give into the puny demand of other, power hungry, derelicts of society, as yourself, a punk-ass, bullshit ""TEACHER"") posed the question: "What change occurs in my consciousness of myself when I am in school" and again raised a more specific version of it when I could not allow myself to actually focus on reading my government book, for which I'd received the detention: "What change [in my self-consciousness] causes me to become so unfocused on that which was desirable seconds before (meaning when I was home alone)"

Now the obvious answer to the latter question (I hate the sue of former and latter, when you're the interpreter of a writing, b/c it's so damn confusing, whereas to an author it’s a little lazy shortcut!, but I'm lazy so I'll use it anyway) is that there was much sonorous, and visual distraction around me, but I ponder if that is really the case?


It is very important to take events in stride and not idealize their expected solutions. Moreover, ideas that you conjure yourself are the ideas which separate the exquisite from the "just so", meaning that you may "know" how to play guitar and know all of the theories behind it, and be potentially ready to compose a masterpiece work, but you never actually will because you've never practiced someone else's music, and learned the techniques involved to feasibly accomplish the details in real time. Because it's the details which make the music, not the theory. And it is these details too, which separate one productive mood from the next, and which create feelings of despair or ones of complete joy inside a person.


Whatever I do, I realize, if it is not done to my benefit or my pleasure in the end, as a overall goal, it is no fun while I'm doing it. I take pleasure in doing the actions, when I know that my goal is not to show some1 else how great I am, or show them they cannot brainwash me, or have authority over my actions, but when I please myself by completing certain things.

For example, say I go and play soccer. Initially, I really enjoyed going to the game, however lately I've noticed that when I attend and play, I am more tense, less focused on what I'm doing, and more focused on what I've done wrong, and other social auras around me. However, when I think back to the first time I went, and that was the time which made me come back for more, I remember that I only cared about pleasing myself, however I touched the ball or played the game. I was not worried about people stealing the ball grom me or how I would feel, or how they would upon doing it. These expectations are all too complex. I was only focused on being there because I had decided that this attendance was to my benefit, and form there on , all of the sub goals like taking the ball away, conserving energy, and focusing, became related to this one master goal, which said that whatever I do, all the way down to my last action, is for my pleasure only, period.

I know that some actions may not be pleasurable in themselves, but when I put them in this context, they cannot help but BE pleasurable when I do them.

After all, what's the purpose of attending work? The purpose is bringing home money, so the family can have daily supplies, like food, water, toothpaste, soap, etc. This money helps to shield the person away from more responsibilities and necessary actions to achieve daily things. How would I brush my teeth if I had no toothbrush? Furthermore, what's the purpose of me attending classes and learning all this new information? The same reasoning applies here; the purpose is for me to eventually be employed and able to ease my existence. But there is no purpose in these actions, if I don't want to ease my existence. So there is a purpose for dad to attend work; he wants to have money to supply our requests, clothe, bathe, and feed us, or basically make life easy for us. Then why do the goals of these actions go unnoticed and disregarded as monotonous minutiae daily things? Simply because most people don't realize them for what they are. Those people always want more, and "better" things from which to derive satisfaction.

Also it could be said that dad attends work to keep himself sane. If he had nothing to do all day, he would be quite out of his mind.

So then, all the actions I do should be geared toward keeping myself sane, and happy and whenever I'm no enjoying what I'm doing I'll know I'm not following my goal. I may think there are other, greater reasons for attending school or having a future job or going to college but there are not! The only reasons are for the experiences I will have there. This meaning, how I will satisfy my prioritized goals there. Right now I canoot grasp what I'm even trying to account here, however I did have the meaning a minute ago, and I'm sure that I will attain it again, through enough focus or sheer luck.


lets see what I think about the following proposal. When under the influence of alcohol, most people stereotype and say that alcohol should impair whatever and anything you do. However I think this is totally bogus stereotype. Alcohol inhibits the sensing of unpleasant feelings while you're are tying to formulate an opinion about a topic. W/o it you tend to suppress the intuitive and natural feelings you have though your prejudices which your have acquired. Children tend not to suppress these feelings just like adults on alcohol. It's simply make life more simple, taking away all of the emotional aspects of it, which here I’m classifying as the feelings which normally under any circumstances lower one's intellect and abilities in a given situation. So thus, the situation seems paradoxical, and in a total sense almost the opposite of expected: Alcohol is supposed to inhibit and lower whatever senses and abilities of a humanoid form you had before, only that it does not do this, but in fact rehabilitates it much further, creating an overly relaxed and highly intelligent form, who's ( I don't think the context of "who's" is appropriate here [and who's w/ the quote mark its especially new to me as it the "quote" phase I just mentioned; never, both, been experienced b4)

{ha the 1..2 makes sense in the sense that its and extended version of the 'month.day.year' w/ additional items receiving more '.''s and also it seems to look like a 'X though (as represented by the dots) Y' term}

(cont. paragraph 1st on this page) abilities are much more intone with the environment and are completely, well nothing is absolute so this is a poor choice of words, but very much so, in affinity with the situation and problems at hand, helping, thus, to contemplate their solutions and reasonings much faster, and in clearer ways than not imaginable before. These ways much have been imaginable b4, however they were much inhibited by the persona of the individual (fun y if I had said 'person' instd. Of individual)

So what do the public/w ho see themselves, and by the support of their peer's similar opinions (although those are mostly the opinions won by the person making the beginning statement in the first place by the humanitarian disposition of leader and followers) judge in these 'drunken' individuals. Because of their own insecurities, they judge, and by self-righteousness (in belief that what they feel and say is the ultimate an undebatable truth of the world and no other thing or being can say so more about this), that what they hold is true [see last mentioned parenthesis]. Thus they let that stomach wrenching feeling creep into their body and drive them to believe, forcefully, that what they are doing is right, while at the same time making them feel very miserable inside; self worthless and seemingly incapable of producing results acceptable by anybody but themselves. Yet because they already feel very depressed and disparaged they cannot possibly (I'm blabbering with these damn adjectives here) admit to themselves that what they have done is something which is completely against what they aspire to do. And when they aspire later on, their aspirations are shot down by this feeling, which was ironically brought about by their own self-righteousness and ultimate belief in themselves – this seems like a self destructive recursive algorithm, or what you may call this procedure.


So thus I think I was very much in the fright to calm emotions a sense when I last wrote about hi sentry ( not two or more days ago) on the laptop. They are b/c when the external senses are numbed by such sedatives as alcohol then this leaves the full capacity of the individual into play and allow them not to feel any remorse of displeasure &/ distress about the he/she is doing at the moment and how he/she (I hate, well not really HTATE, writing 'he/she') is thinking at the moment. Therefore, (too many logic transition words here, don't like them) allows for the fill power of the mind to be focused on whatever the task is at hand and nothing more and definitely nothing less. So all of the magical power of immediate, seemingly infinite computing power is focused NOT on the individual's feelings but on solving the problem the individual has set and wished his/her brain to produce a result for in, or begin diligently to produce a result for, this very moment.

The Morning After


Either I can believe that good days are a reward after having to experience numerous normal (or bad) days or I can believe that I can make every day a glorious one, and the normal/bad ones, are just beyond my reach of control for the moment. Now tell me which one is pessimistic and which one optimistic? The answer is obvious.

So should a child work for a reward to save him/her self from the misery of his/her daily life, or should he/she live it and not be shielded vs. the evil of life, and when those evils are experienced will be able to judge just how good life is on a normal time, and just how glad it is.

So an unpleasant experience is only needed to put the pleasant ones in perspective as such. Then why do most folks, when they interact, not realize that they accuse, coerce, and suggest to their surrounding acquaintances. These are felt by others, or more so sensed by their consciousness, which drives them to ruminate those miniscule sayings their friends have spoken to them, and upon the rumination, create a self stress, through a self hurt, sensed in their own consciousness (b/c consciousness is a sense as above). Why not flower other's with neutral tidings, of the facts about them, neutral tidings, not involved with a conscious sense? This way all can be happy.

However, not all the time is this the best approach. There must be balance, and I concede that there exist times when dealing with others in the way rebuked to above, is useful, as a way of placing the goodness of one's other action's in perspective.

So there a shield is not only necessary from other's comments to a person, but from his/her comments to themselves. Through his/her own comments, a human can cause even more damage than an outsider could, in my opinion. Through his/her comments, a human, if habituated to do so, can distort their own abilities, as I have, and lower one's intellect, creativity/ingenuity.

The best description of this shield is the sense of numbness achieved when moderately drunk (not to the point of inability to stand, but to the point where all emotional connections with any though, relation w/ another, etc. are faded away, so that they cause little or no noticeable distress in the form of nagging pangs, or other unpleasanties IBS, burps, sweat, etc.).


When I think too much it takes away from the appreaciation and concentration on life, and replaces this truly happy state with fuzzy intolerable and undefined feelings of dismay.

On the soccer field:

  1. Concentrate
  2. Appreciate
  3. Rest (Preserve Energy)
  4. Map the game in your mind's eye
  5. Don't be drawn in toward the ball in a clump or forget the overall field layout
  6. When you have the ball 1 & 2 will be the only thing on your mind!


Wow so much thinking makes me tired, very tired. I'm trying not to lose my edge that I've gained since this morning, I've even made some cool deductions and when I was confused I was able to leave them be and not be depressed over what I've left! Exiting. So I'm trying to continue the fight with my feelings and control what I believe to be the negative ones, allowing myself to think and letting go of failures as only events, no more, however I must comment on my social behaviors. When I was talking to Jeremy just a little while ago, I could not restrain myself from not following what he had to say once I had an idea I wanted to share with him. I understood what he said, however I was not actively involved in the concepts and thus could not think of any questions that I might ask him, which would mean that I had sacrificed my greed to say what I wanted to say for listening to what he had to say to me. I think that I should sacrifice this, I mean all of the old saying are right thus far in one case or another once I have gained the necessary knowledge to understand their intents, so I believe that I can potentially understand them all so I should give them a chance since I think they are good morals to follow. This one illustrated here is obviously listen more and talk less. It is so difficult for me to give way my ideas and simply accept that I will not tell him what I had planned, but that should not be so bothersome. I mean I don't approve of plans in general, and why should I be encumbered by guilt when I seek to drop one of these previous plans, which usually leave me depressed when I feel guilty about doing just that? The answer is that I shouldn't be burdened by any such feelings, and I will school myself next time and practice this saying at intervals I feel right like a real exercise of the morals v selfishness.


I understand now my introverted self. I hate people and their presence. Their impartial imparting of ideas onto my self sickens me. This is why, a disgusting, by someone's standards, existence of no affiliation with the outside world, lost in the imagination of fantasy literature, brings me great and unmatched pleasures. I have not been happier in times that I can recall. My senses have not been clearer, my emotions not more vivid, and my enthusiasm more sparkled that in this day. I hate the populace and their opinion. All I want is to live like a hermit, alone to personal contact with others, only connected through a third party means: technologically, by writing, long distance acts. In general this leaves my persona to flow outside ofmy body, if I do have respect for the knowledge, learning and ways of the past, PERHAPS, perhaps, someday I will show it when I choose to do so. For it is foolish to think that I will ever not choose so, because I hunger for knowledge as I thirst for water and long for sexual interactions. It is but a physiological need, not more. When it comes it must come as I see fit, in no other manner dictated nor suggested by my peers, or whomever I contact with. This is rebellion some would say. NO! This is personality, nothing more.

And with this power of imagination, which I receive and practice in opportunity from the novel I read – my life becomes a fantasy, which I regard with respect because this fantasy is MY own, nothing more. As is then, the things I do in this fantasy are truly delicate, connected, not trivial and resented as in the current existence I lead. Perhaps one day, this life will refine itself for me to be able to sit and imagine what I do then is but what I imagine then, only real. That will come through the application ofmy imagination to knowledge, and the essence of power that knowledge will impart in myself through my vivid practices stemming by imaginative procedures, all mine, ingrained into my nature. Perfection, yes that's what it will be.


No matter how many times I have revelations, I always seem to think they will be an end to all problems, and a initiation into my world of dreams. Sadly, this is never so. What is true, however, every time is that I write down my experiences in journal entries like this and proceed to promptly forget all I have written, meaning that I no longer keep it continuously in my head or consciously practice applying it on real life problems I might face daily.

Sad the above may be, but I have more to tell. It is true, or today it seems clear for non obvious reasons, to me that whatever I am doing, if I were to look at that thing from another person' perspective, one which is a person much like myself and not like the ideological, perfect and flawless stranger, I pretend to see my activities from in third person, I would not notice which would in any way provoke me, as a third person stranger, to the acts which I, as myself, come to believe will come true when seeing this perspective. Now I lack good examples for the above.

Truth it is, that when I sit in English class I feel my motivation, and pompous sense of authority over the material dissipate with each week. I am no longer able to pick out the flaws in Mrs. Huggins' lectures, or make witty comments about it if only to myself, nor am I able to quickly and effortlessly complete the tasks she asks me to do. I come to the conclusion that instead of furthering my education, this English class is deforming it in the wrong direction, and the only way to escape this inevitability is to not allow myself to be forced by my self-created ideological myths or people's personalities to listen to incoherent readings from my "classmates", but force myself away from the system to truly understand the novel as I might have, and was beforehand forced to do so, in AP English.

Further, I note that success comes with innumerable tidbits or effort. As is noting the relation between the placement of a bookmark in a book, to the days it has taken to achieve that ability of holding half of the book open, whereas in the beginning, the possibility of such an act would have only seemed to me, and still does with new novels, which I know it should not, if I were to learn any from this lesson here, daunting, insurmountable, but yet a placement which I would greedily accept as mine if I were given the opportunity to forgo the effort needed to gain it in an instant.

Most importantly I have realized that when I am in a happy mood, the way I have gotten there is not by the culmination of genius thoughts, however, it is the achievement of the suppression of many thoughts which I have previously and chronically associated with discomfort, anxiety, or general discomfort while performing a specific task. For example, and one which is quite good, is the anticipation I feel when I have something to do, or look forward to at a later time. The anticipation of the event drives me into a frenzy, which allows me to overlook any morals I may thus far have, and like a greedy being strive single-mindedly toward obtaining what it is I crave at that instant, even though I may have before show and proven to myself that this will not lead to any sort of dazzling happiness or euphoria on my behalf. Now when I read a novel, and suddenly I remember a thing which I immediately feel to myself I will forget, the thought of remembering this thing overwhelms and overpowers anything else I might be trying to do, and try as I might to shut it off, it reluctantly is brought back into my mind by my internal arguments with myself, those which I must I say here repress totally if I am to have any furthering of anything but depression in my life. Suppress, repress, and oppress, is what I must do to self conflicting, and demeaning thoughts, and take the idea I have created, with judged due effort, and put it into practice.

This argument scenario brings me to my other point, I realize as I hate arguing with my brother and father I must hate arguing with myself the most. This is why it might be a second good suggestion to stop the arguments altogether.


It's so discouraging to me when I feel as though I have reached a limit to whatever I may be experiencing, performing, or understanding. This not only completely and utterly demotivates me, but it depresses me as much so my esteem and productivity are thus reduced 200%!! Since I always seem to think of myself as a genius and expert on whatever I am studying even though I have not come to understand, nor acknowledge (how naive of me) for that fact, a fraction of the information about the subject at hand, I suffer to great extents. My own genius places a limiting factor to what I know or for how I think it then, of what will and has ever been known, therefore demotivating me when I reach this limit. My demotivation is not only heightened when I reach this limit but further irritated by my own stubbornness which will not believe my claim that this is the limit(mind you this is a subconscious claim) limit of this knowledge, placing me w/ the titans of the field immediately, and will rationally as seen from this perspective now, continue to try and understand the reality behind my sudden greedy reasoning. However, this method backfires on the intended result, by causing me to only prove to myself time and time again, one I am severely crippled mentally, and emotionally, feeling as though someone is digging a hole inside my stomach (anxiety), that I am UNABLE to accomplish what I've told myself I was the expert in not long before. Thus this pattern repeats itself, as I stubbornly, and rationally for that matter, continue to reject and try again, a seemingly admirable quality otherwise.

Now when I have experienced an outside influence on my own thoughts, I come to believe that there IS more to the world around me and that I am not the genius I claim to be, instantly regenerating my previous passions in whatever I am doing, and uplifting me back to my original working level emotionally. Thus pretending to be the genius and embarking on quests to fully understand say how acceleration works, with limited knowledge are not only extremely dehabilitating as stated above, but they are also exponentially more difficult than the original task would be with some more understanding of what's going on in the background.


As far away and a s muffled all my senses are right now, I'll recall and retell the lat understandings of my previous days for they are quite important to my upbringing.

  1. I have just discovered toad, through teaching Jennifer Garcia, how to simplify trig. Expressions that math is nothing but a game of pattern recognition. If a(b+c) = ab + bc then those two side of the ='s sign are a pattern for renaming as are the letters inside of them. All a pattern which can be placed on any combination such as: sec2x –secx and used to rename it. Then the father renaming of the letters can be used to expand them and once again, a third renaming can lead through that abstract pattern to an expanded version of the concrete expression w/ secx's.

My insight is that math is a world where you transform old relations into new ones through patterns you know or discover(those know patterns too are created from previous patterns you knew or had discovered)

  1. Of the utmost importance is how I view the things I learn. They must be interesting in some form or fashion. It might be that:

    1. I think to myself "in the future if someone practically asked me how to solve this problem, or I asked myself this problem, by creating its relation of the analysis of other data, how would I approach a solution to it",
I think of the concepts presented as those in Saturday Morning Physics, not dull and constricted to the book, but available for discussion, with an opportunity for me to voice my ideas with confidence and support from others, while reviewing and thinking over their opinions, and not meddling with details such as computational numbers. It is important to view problems in an abstract sense and figure out what information you need through the variable, not be stuck in a situation where you can only solve a particular type of problem with particular givens. You must know what givens you need to reach a solution you want, and that is only achieved through an abstract view of the material without the constrictions of the numerical computations.


It is with a heavy heart that I now speak of my continued desire, greed, if not insatiable instinctive hunger for pleasure and the good in life. That same greed which does not allow me to rest my soul, allow it not the concentration due to one task alone, but makes it waver, forever hungry for the bounty of something more. However, as life will have it, none of this can be a truth, for when I grasp with my forever withering hands, the new thing which I self promise will do me good, lift me from the evil I had done before and be the end and do all to my ill, that same moment that which has brought me pleasure via my imagination is now, for reasons unthinkable to me, dull, wilting, unfit, detestable. It is the new agony bringer, the new loathed action, the new one which with its claws freshly sharpened on my own contorted self-esteem, brings me down deeper than I had ever ventured before in the wild and unforgivable forest of gloom. The forest closes in around me, whispers emanate from the trees, lurching pains of guilt upon my stomach, pain me, suffocate me, allow me not to think, nor remember those truths which ten minutes before were golden set upon my mind for reformation in my future coming, and impale me with a dread of doing any further task, a dread I cannot explain, but one which merits the qualities of a thing that seeps all hope, happiness, and drains all self resolve and beforehand premonitions of my future. That fiend arisen in me, I slump forward in a chair, daring myself, pushing, in wish to overcome it, but it only grips me, pull me further into the depth of this hole of greed I have created for myself. And, alas, the only escapes comes with yet more do-nothingness. I wait, my life seeps before my eyes, then I have a jolt of happiness, unrestrained, after the many days passed in lieu misery of this grasp, I sit overjoyed upon a sunny day, wondering and pondering how my thought could have been led so badly astray, but then it grabs again. "Off, get you!", I scream, with hatred, one which I do mean, "Stay no further to me in these happy times"!, but yet it does not abide by my commands. Perhaps I had regained my grip and able to think only of how to compare these two paradoxes, one of gloom and happiness, but for only a moment before it seizes me and grabs. I am yet again in my hole dug for myself, but my own greed to oversee all aspects of any task, the minute details, them I wish connected with my gloating pride for that grand success, alas awaiting my insatiable greed of a heart. That same success which I dream of, is never realized, for in my attempts to reach it I unearth the little demons which "grasp, grasp, grasp" at me from under the paths of each in my wake. For goodness sake, there is no escape from this unless I let these thoughts, of these little things go free!


Jumping to conclusions seems akin to my personality and also something which I am habited to do. For example I now made a conclusion that if I was beginning to feel the dread of starting a project or even a small task by myself (mind you, this is that day I have come out of my couch-potato reverie ) like going on AIM to contact a friend, cutting my nails the right way, that I am beginning to care too much.

  1. This care falls under my new ideas that I either don't care at all, during which time I forgo showers, organization, socialization, and any form of indulgent though either glaring at the TV (which I so have sought not to do this time) or actively addictively reading a book.

So, any and every suggestion made in my mind about any task makes me squeamish about performing that task, and allows me to even dread it or succumb to depression over not it. It's an almost masochistic guilt which builds inside me. Usually after one of these guilt trips, I succumb to them more and more often until I become not to care about anything at all.

However, a jump to conclusions such as to begin to care less about a certain topic when that self wilting guilt arises, is another self flaw I believe I have seen, though a recursive one because I am only describing it and possible remedies minutes after it has occurred to me (exactly what I'm to critique an unavoidable temptation to take hasty conclusions and treat them as doctrines!)

(unfinished - it was going to be something marvelous that's all I can recall! :( )


It is very important to have goof off times more than once a day, just like the times I have when I watch episodes of TV for days at a time. These times allow me to relax in a healty way not feeling the normal pressure I am routinely habituated to place on myself. Basically this is a way for me to relax, which I have not yet discovered. Examples include hugging the crocheed green blanket, plaing ping-pong for long periods of time, and not doing routine habits which make me nevous (just stopping them for this one time only b/c I feel extremely nervous). This last habit also empowers me and rewards me for doing new things, which I do desire.


- When you do something like researching college scholarships

don't just "research" (not in the sense of doing more than one

thing at a time) seperately. Research with ideas that you'll complete

that application and it will lead to some financial aid. If you're

too disconnected with the goal no experience is gained toward it

by separating the tasks involved in achieving it.


- The reason I am stressed by schedules is that I produce the stress

myself, not that the material is at all stressful. I tend not to

let go of things, and be too greedy with what I expect.

- If I want to replace the voice in my head" I have to concentrate

on exerting my thoughts through some other fashion. For ex: every

time I type I have to concentrate on which keys my fingers are

hitting and not on the sound the words make and then pushing the


- Never forget the basic principle: For ex: a dynamic web page is

automatically generated HTML on the fly.


- Many of my problems of "horrible modds" seemed to be caused

by: my lack of sleep, horrible sleeping schedule (during the day),

or failure to seriously get up when I am awake (I'm supposed to be

awake, but I go back to sleep)


- Saving your efferts for the time you'll need them instead of wasting

them in "hopes and dreams" (like in soccer: save the sprints for the

times when you run at the defender and don't get the ball on 1st try,

the you'll have time to run again w/ no hesitation & get the ball)


- I have figured out why it is that I constantly talk to myself . . .

I am very audibly dependant for memory! I seem to not be able to

remember other ways nearly as well, probably attributed to all of

the languages I know, and learned as a kid. This, however, can be

a great hindrance to me, it limits my abilities greatly, and only

exposes the audio side of my brain to any training, leaving the

rest behind.

- Many people write because they are not audibly dependant . . .

however, since I am so dependant I even talk to myself while

I'm writing, causing me to forget my "thoughts", which need to

be expressed in some way (that could be only writing).

- I also seem to remember info and process it much later on

- I must be content with something and stop being so greedy. This goes

not for material things but for my feelings in a situation. I can't

always be the #1, know it all guy; I especially won't when I do these

silly little depression runs.

- There's no reason to sit back and feel warm inside, while you think

that the other ppl are going to cover for you (like in a soccer

match - the defense cannot simply stay back and "watch" the game,

they have to be participating)

- Life is never fun if you don't take risks, and try to play the game

at your best. Sometimes you just have to forget about all the elements

and concentrate on the actual play of the game (like in a really cold

soccer match)

- When I try to learn a new technology I'm not trying to do some

inconceivable task that has never done before, and even if I was

paramount anxiety is no way to approach the matter, that simply puts

the wrong light on the scene, and makes me feel horrible. (Duh I hate

feeling horrible, but sometimes I wonder if I really do; especially

when I become sad all the time!)

- There's no substitute for confidence, and with it the acceptance of

the outcomes of failure. Really how bad can putting a cold ice cream

on your stomach be? Think about how you'll feel afterwards.

- When you go back to a task, there needs to be no recollection of the

misery you experienced last time, that would be pointless

- As I try to do too many things, after doing some and not recording

what I'd like to do, I end up forgetting most of what I'd like to

do, in addition to experiencing the constant frustration or failure.


- Rebel against yourself (e.g. change your plans w/ not real reason

& with the "I know I should be doing something else, but I dread

following my own ideas" feeling) when you can't w/ your parents

- Very hard for me toremember what I did in every step during program-


- When I find something to think about I just rush past it w/o giving

it much time, but allowing it later all the importance!


When I philosophize I take many little problems and focus mainly on attempting to solve them. They, however, are almost impossible to solve with the knowledge I have at the moment.

For example: When I was trying to learn about summation manipulation, I attempted to separate two sums, when in fact the objective of the lesson (here in an Algebra II book) was to simply acknowledge the syntax of the notation, and some simple properties it possesses.

So my questions are:

  1. Do I, in contemplation of what I have to do, replace the larger issues with such pesky little problems, that I leave myself no brain space to function like a normal human?

  1. Am I really required to understand exactly how to separate summation right now?

  1. Do I leave what I'm asked to do (as often happens – I forget the task assigned in order to fulfill a dream of an accomplishment of a task I have set for myself during the beginning stages of my assigned duty) and attempt to explore the unexplored, alone, with no resources, already dismayed for my lack of recent success and a reigning regime of failure controlling my life?

The saying is simple in words:

  1. "Take focus in the large tasks at hand, care about learning something permanent, something you can pull up at a dinner party."
  2. "Work life as a chore or a RPG when it gets tough; don't follow everyone, nor be their slave for attention, LEAD!"
However, the actions are difficult. When I walk into a room full of people talking about different things, and I begin to have trouble with whatever I'm doing, almost immediately thoughts of my damned future strike me. I see myself failing academically, working some low wage job. This must be one of my largest fears because of its chronic reoccurrences.


I show due respect to schedules for keeping my life in a stable environment, one which I can attempt to revolutionize, and perhaps “upgrade”, but one without which nothing would be accomplished. At first this seems, extreme and parentish, however it is only the truth. After so many liberal days, I tend to fall under an order of disorder; namely this is the “summer routine”, where I can and Do spend hours and hours accomplishing nothing more than visiting the latrine, sleeping, watching TV and pretending to work in spurts, which are often left to die on their own accord.
The amazing aspect of structure is that the feelings and emotions I will experience, and their triggers remain the same, every day. So I can expect, if I am matured into it, to work hard, as I do during the school year (or 2nd semester this time), or to slack hard, which I do most handsomely, and which most of society indulges in, and chronically dreams/longs/wishes/strongly desires whenever they have a spare moment. However this is a case, and you will NOT understand this until you’ve made a fool of yourself and experienced the “cool” aspect of what you believe is true (unless you were otherwise very self dignified and controlled, or just extorted into believing/behaving such a way).

Another point is that learning to tame yourself around yourself is relatively easy as compared to taming your reactions to others, in a social group. The dynamics are totally different and the factors seem exponential. However, if you must remember one thing, it is to believe that (and this only comes the hard way w/ experience; I’ve heard of no other success stories thus far) there is a simple, elegant, solution, and that it only requires you to pay small attention to certain details, develop your own techniques for perfecting these details, practice them over and over again, and finally achieving the grand result. This sounds easy but its hardy that.

1. The words I’ve used above have most likely been told to you hundreds of times over by many “adults” whom you’ve indubitably created a rocky relationship w/ during your teenage years, and who you cannot simply trust, but now are habitually extorted to feels angry, and indolent around. Thus these words carry no meaning for you, and you cannot possibly grasp their truth; the experience w/ which they were plotted ever so carefully (not really carefully in this case).
2. You have no real idea of what your feelings are, when they change and what you may expect as a reaction. You normally overdo most valid controlling techniques, if you have any at this point, and seemingly are lost. You may have contemplated suicide. Here’s some advice DON”T, I was there continually for 2 years, and with time, god damn hard struggle and more time, failures heaped upon failures I am here happy, and changing hope the relative better.(refer back to 1 about what’s written here)


I must e very weary of planning to do many, many things later on while I’m feeling good and enjoying what I’m doing and accomplishing right now. If I am not weary I will slowly come to think that the joy which I draw comes from thinking about those things, this will interfere with the true source of joy, my doings of the action right then and there, and bring me to a convulsive stop.
Furthermore, the reason why I feel this way can be very complex, but some part of it, I feel, can be addressed by the fact that I am not yet very experienced in two things. Firstly I’m not experienced yet in forgoing my old ways completely at all times; this meaning I still default to habitual behaviors whenever the recognizable situations arise. Secondly, I’m not fully aware of all the facets of this new way of being, happy, responsive, and appreciative of my world in a habitual way.


Consciences must be a sense because when I am drunk the conscience is lessened, meaning I do not think about too many things at once (when observing a single thing I do not think of its components/constituencies) I only think of it. In addition to conscience being dissolved into a lower state of being; all of the naturally called “senses” are too.

When I’m drunk, all of my logic just flows out of my heard w/o being encumbered by my usual over thinking of matters. Yes it’s all I do too much, this over thinking, it really is that simple. I can walk out of the door of my room worried about my computer and checking on the progress of my downloads a minute ago, and in two steps have forgotten about it!!!! AMAZING! So, what’s the result? Getting drunk seems to numb the personal dilemmas of a person and allow them to be what they really aspire to be, but also the same “what” that they are holding back themselves whilst trying to aspire to what they would like to be (its wearing off now ) SAD!!!!! It was so good while it lasted (not over yet thought still some more to go!) This way of thinking should (WILL I wish I knew how to do an HTML style cross out on should) be my way of doing things, I will practice it (I hope unless I get DEPRESSED, poor old me right, GOD I hate that [even though I just prayed to Jesus a min ago w/o feeling the slightest bit of prejudice/bias/previous influence or thinking about what other/myself would think over the matter]!
Geez, its so much easier to practice whatever you’re doing when drunk and concentrate, I mean really concentrate like on the soccer field when visualizing the players and attempting to APPRECIATE what’s going on around you to the very best of your ability. The ideas just seem to flow out (beside the point) and the concentration on the actions seem more focused. I know this last statement seems like a paradox, seeing as my motor skills are much dehabilitaed whilst drunk, but its not b/c the actions of the mind are more focused more on these now dehabilitated (as is expected) actions of the muscles (coordination was the word I was looking for when I wrote ‘motor skills’) and not the actions of the muscles themselves are what matters, the IMMENSLEY increased concentration on their behavior whether dehabilitared ( which spell check see\ms to say is not a word) is the most important.


Father figures, politicians, teachers, older adults, grandparents, astoanaughts, all of these people seem to me to hold some “holy” uncertainty when I think of them. But don’t all people on Earth have to face the same notations, and expressions of phenomena, most times, by the established theories of physics. When applying these stereotypes to such personas I often oversimplify their selves. An astronaught’s time piece which I might have glimpsed on the NASA channel is to him, as no doubt it would be to me (again I model this which simplifications) not the major part of his achievement. The major steps would have been all of the unsolvable problems, his relationship with others, his own personal problems (such as multiple personality [not the normal dissociative disorder, just as a phrase for mood swings] dilemmas) he underwent when reaching the goal of being sent into space.

Modeling situations, on paper seems dull to me as compared to real world models, b/c in the real world more models are made apparent without my effort instantaneously while I am part of the experience. So when I create a model for a tree as a side of a triangle and stop treating the tree as a tree but a line of a triangle, it takes on the properties reserved for that triangle. Then I can know how to operate on the various relations between the lines in the triangle from my studies in trigonometry.
Just the same way, say an object is moving around a circle. The fact that it’s moving implies an acceleration, and thus since I assume it has mass, a force. Now this force is abstract, in a sense that it need not be a intrinsic quality of the object traveling around the circle, but it is an addition of more simple concepts, which provide their forces, which depend on other properties involving this object and are related through other relations to each other by different concepts that the circle traveling here. Now when these are all superimposed on one another, to create a net force, they are by the fact that the object is traveling in uniform circular motion relates to the speed of the object and its radius in a simple ratio m(v^2 / r)

(unfinished entry)


I have a strange difference in the way I feel about my actions when I’m alone and when I’m around others. Alone, I almost feel less empowered, incapable to do what I have chosen to do. Say for example I choose a certain way to solve a physics problem, the way that the teacher would not have solved it. Starting along this route (because normally my feelings overwhelm me so much that I cannot finish) causes my content with life and my surrounding to disappear almost as if a warm, soothing, carefree, assuring aura is replaced by a cold, hard, uncertain, and frightening one. This latter aura had many effects on me. It can cause me to be forgetful, disapproving, extremely depressed and hopeless, etc. of anything I have chosen which is outside the group decision. Now if I am alone for a prolonged time shut away from such social dogma, I am forced to become accepting of what I think and do. This in turn forces me to have faith in my own values, he ones created by me, from my own cognitions. Instead of thinking that whatever I’ve set out for myself is definitively NOT the way the people I stereotype as successful in life have gotten there, I take pride in what I do and learn to recognize and appreciate life right now.
When I don’t appreciate life in the moment, I am usually haunted by this same cold aura which is usually undermined by expectations and plans. Say for example a plan to see friend later in the day, or receive a call from a friend, or be somewhere, anywhere, but where I am right now trying to fight this on my own. This seems like an attempted escape from fear to me, since it constitutes of strong negative feelings toward the situation and longings, almost irrational ones, which can and have caused me to perform actions I normally would not in order to achieve them; they are an infatuation. They are longings to give myself up to the power of others, allow others to control my life and tell me what do to, where to be, how to act, what to wear, what to think even. Support of this comes by the doubtful feelings I succumb to when I choose by myself, or the fearful reactions I have say when I’m breaking the school code of conduct and am called into the principal’s office. They might show a fear of rejection, because I know I’m not afraid of being punished, however I am terrified of what others will think of me once I have been punished, and how their stereotype of my personality will change.
Now I attempt to reverse this dependency on others in any way possible and live life only the way I see fit, unrestricted by others opinions, and customs. Someone once said: “What is life if you don’t live it for yourself”, and I agree. The transition is however very difficult because of the ingrained reactions, expectations, and immediate stereotypes I have developed over the years. Those reactions, most of them are not my own. Most are other’s people’s view on what’s occurring at the moment, and how they would react. And even those thought they have of the situations may, and most likely, are not of their own making, but are the thoughts implanted in the consciousness by others, similarly as they are implanting them into me. The reason I began this entry was to write the specifics of such habitual actions, but I cannot recall them now, but am hoping to later include them and reference this section for the abstract behind the situations.
These situations not only limit being, but ability, creativity, imagination, and most of all acceptance of the new and different. Every person is themselves prey to their own habitual beliefs, and cannot hope to advance himself or herself any if he or she is subject to ancient prejudices and beliefs. For what is a human who is not willing to change and adapt to new and changing situations and times? This is why humans have come to dominate the planet, because they are the best in all of the kingdoms at adapting quickly and effectively. True, as always, is that there needs to be a balance between the rejection prejudices and their use in order to achieve something practical, but it is also true that when people age they are less likely to accept the new, and will live in the old times. Grandparents are a prime example of this kind of transformation. They learn once and are open to change and development, but once they shut this down they are not willing any more to change or risk their values and morals for new ones, perhaps because of the same fear of not belonging to a classification.
It is hypocritical of people when they most times openly detest the idea of being classified into a group and labeled because they feel they are independent, but when they are given an opportunity or asked to forgo their values and morals for new ones, they reject them and say the same, they are independent when they are actually openly, but unknowingly conforming to a group standard. They fear the new values, not reject them, because of this fear of rejection, but to themselves they cannot truthfully say: “I am an X”, not without the approval of the members of the group X the belong to and usually not until someone else is the first member to propose such a classification will they admit their classification, and then reluctantly until most of the group does so. I cannot limit my being, my ideas, my life, my cognition to what others will think acceptable and I cannot feel guilt, as I usually do, when I think on my own inside of a group for fear of rejection.
It seems all of my emotions which are counterintuitive toward my own ideas occur because I am afraid of social rejection.

It is simple to give others advice that you wish you could follow yourself (Lord Henry). Parents often do this. They try to cover up their own insecurities and shame by trying to change their children into someone they wish they were. Shame never creates change (Psychologist from Oprah).

I see the topic Oprah is discussing in three different ways. If I am on my own thinking about his subject, my conclusions and reasoning to those conclusions would be prone to many doubts, and in the end I would not remember the path I took toward them partially because I feel sine they are dubious they cannot be true. If I am discussing the same topic with a group of friends in English class as part of a novel, these doubts will be gone if a majority of the group support my point of view. Thirdly, if I watch the same discussion and same reasoning as the previous two situations on Oprah, I will have no doubts about the reasoning and the conclusions, and will remember the conclusions well and for some time.

Although all of the above about fear of rejection may be true, there exists another layer of hypocrisy in humans, they cannot help themselves when it comes to expression their own opinion in groups which are less than say two or three. One will indubitably assert himself or herself as the leader because of some self justified reason through his or her own morals or values. Neither member can stand to be told how to act by the others in such a small group and will greed for power, but if the group if larger and has already formed an opinion, he or she will be afraid of the power of such an opinion. As I’ve mentioned in a previous journal entry, it is much easier to talk than listen. This concept directly applies to this situation of offering advice to problems not of one’s own when in a small group. It would be more beneficial if not wiser as the saying goes (and its based, I believe, in much experience or I could be just following another social moral, which I will not need to experience myself to prove, as I have proved others to myself. But perhaps those are only proven because I have seen them as proven based on yet other social views?) to listen to others and critically and disconnectedly give one’s own opinion, in no way influenced by the group opinion (which is extremely difficult and demanding to do) than to offer immediate solutions to any problem in expectation (this is a topic itself and dangerous; it has a separate journal topic devoted solely to itself) of acceptance and reverence by the group (which in small groups is most times unnecessary if one of the members reasons within himself or herself that they are deserving of this position and muscles his or her way pompously into a ruling position [this type of determination of an almost “divine” right can prove very dangerous in life and limb], but in large groups is much more needed as to reduce the size of the group to that having the equivalent threat of a smaller group and thus allowing for small group assumptions as above, and more)
For example, right now I know that I feel the need of acceptance and love. Humans are selfish. Being a human and selfish, I wish to join a group right now to remedy my feelings. The group will only accept me if I can benefit them in some way, perhaps with knowledge I have. Assume that I have K amount of knowledge which I can offer. I proceed to join the group and am relieved, but give up all of K knowledge to them. I come home with prejudices of the group which leave me unable to initiate anything on my own, thus I can only increase my knowledge by J amount this week because of previous habits I’ve formed for studying and gaining knowledge. Additionally, I am content and I like the feeling, so only naturally I give myself time to relax and feel the good feelings, assuring myself that this will not have any impact on my own ideas of what I wish to do. Next week I feel the same, and having seen good results in the group selfishly try to remedy my feelings again. This time I am rejected because they feel that L << K and not enough knowledge fro them to allow me to be part of the group. My mood, already depressed, becomes more sullen, and I spend three weeks at home, introverted and stuck to the TV not increasing my knowledge from L, and gaining fat F. After three weeks I realize what a waste of time this has been and what little reason I had to waste it, so I decide, reenergized to increase my knowledge L. However, since I’m out of practice my rate dL/dt is halved, but the amount of time it takes me to become discouraged from overworking and not enough social grouping is the same. After a week (as was the last time) I become aware of the same feeling, so I decide to visit the group again, thinking that I have knowledge to offer now, and feeling somewhat better about myself since I’ve gained it by myself. However, it turns out that since dL/dt was halved L < K, still, thus I am rejected again. This rejection, not only does the exact same as the previous, but creates a longer lasting depression time because I feel that my own effort are not meeting my beliefs and expectations (even though these are not set by me but were imparted on my by the group). Thus the cycle continues, lengthening my depression times, further decreasing dL/dt, and never allowing me to become again accepted into the group. Perhaps sometime in the future I gain K somehow, and am accepted at the group. When I come home I feel good, and reassure myself that feeling good will not detract any time from my gaining knowledge and continuing my life as I see fit. However the lack of practice does do just that and next week J/K!! The process restarts as above.
Now perhaps I seek another group since this one is rejecting me so often, but I still need to change my feelings of loneliness. This group is one where the prejudices say that gaining knowledge is OK, and is even encouraged. When I visit the group I not only satisfy my feelings, but I gain L greater than K knowledge. During the week I, being unable to initiate anything on my own, only gain J knowledge. Next week I feel as though I should go back to group 1 because I miss the fun old times there, and am somewhat morally bound to it, plus there is a girl I very much like to see and fantasize being with. I go, am accepted, and have more fun, but my self initiative is again drowned. The following week I only gain J knowledge again ( I’m not really keeping track of total knowledge now, so don’t take this too literally). I continue to visit group1 because, group 2 seemed “not cool” according to my group 1 morals I’ve become accustomed to (because I satisfied my feelings of loneliness). Eventually I am rejected by group1 again because my knowledge is less than K. I become depressed and spend the four weeks (3 by the TV & 1 normal one) until the next meeting. I try to join group 2 again b/c group1 has rejected me again, after only accepting me back, so I don’t feel as though I’m truly loved. However, since I’ve neglected seeing group 2 and I acted contemptuous around the members in school I am rejected. Now I am severely depressed, cannot do anything on my own to gain knowledge b/c I’m truly dependent on the groups, and am outcast from both groups. After seven weeks (2X3 of TV + 1 normal one) I decide that the waste of time was silly, and try to find a way to feel better b/c I feel much more lonely b/c I’ve spent almost 2 months alone, thus I need much more group visits to satisfy my feeling (perhaps I could call it feeling addiction, but I won’t), however my dL/dt has plummeted, I can gain practically 0 K by myself, and am not accepted by any groups. This leaves me with thoughts of suicide, which I eventually, after months and moths of agonizing brooding commit.
I shouldn’t gain knowledge only when I’m in the presence of group2, b/c they favor doing that, and disapprove of self initiative. This disapproval comes from the greed for power of people in that group who feel it is their right to be leader, having final say on issues, thus forming the group to mold to their opinion, AND to have the acceptance of the group on top of that. But I hypothesize that they will eventually become bored with this group since all of the members are followers and offer no challenge to them and will unknowingly have ruined the lives of weaker members they have rejected!

If I am going to have fun, I cannot greed fore more fun at the same time. If I do, I will try to achieve something which I did with concentration, which I do not possess b/c I’m having fun, and will not be able to do it, not gaining any of them fun I was greedy for and at the same time lowering the amount of fun I’m having b/c of the frustration during my attempt.

I’m beginning to see the two sides of my feelings which I will need to balance in the future. The depressed part comes for example when I read a solution to a physics problem from the solution’s manual, and I feel so very low because the ideas do not make any sense. Perhaps I feel this way because I think that since I do not understand them the ideas which I have compiled are useless and in no way progress toward these ideal states of solutions presented in a book (this reverence of the problems is similar to looking at people as ideal people, like the people on Oprah). The elated feelings come when I have solved a problem and wish only to feel the pleasure of solving that problem, however I also want to feel this indefinitely so I reject my previous vows and commitments to myself for this addictive state of being. Achieving this feeling is why I vow to myself in the first place.


I have a strange difference in the way I feel about my actions when I’m alone and when I’m around others. Alone, I almost feel less empowered, incapable to do what I have chosen to do. Say for example I choose a certain way to solve a physics problem, the way that the teacher would not have solved it. Starting along this route (because normally my feelings overwhelm me so much that I cannot finish) causes my content with life and my surrounding to disappear almost as if a warm, soothing, carefree, assuring aura is replaced by a cold, hard, uncertain, and frightening one. This latter aura had many effects on me. It can cause me to be forgetful, disapproving, extremely depressed and hopeless, etc. of anything I have chosen which is outside the group decision. Now if I am alone for a prolonged time shut away from such social dogma, I am forced to become accepting of what I think and do. This in turn forces me to have faith in my own values, he ones created by me, from my own cognitions. Instead of thinking that whatever I’ve set out for myself is definitively NOT the way the people I stereotype as successful in life have gotten there, I take pride in what I do and learn to recognize and appreciate life right now.
When I don’t appreciate life in the moment, I am usually haunted by this same cold aura which is usually undermined by expectations and plans. Say for example a plan to see friend later in the day, or receive a call from a friend, or be somewhere, anywhere, but where I am right now trying to fight this on my own. This seems like an attempted escape from fear to me, since it constitutes of strong negative feelings toward the situation and longings, almost irrational ones, which can and have caused me to perform actions I normally would not in order to achieve them; they are an infatuation. They are longings to give myself up to the power of others, allow others to control my life and tell me what do to, where to be, how to act, what to wear, what to think even. Support of this comes by the doubtful feelings I succumb to when I choose by myself, or the fearful reactions I have say when I’m breaking the school code of conduct and am called into the principal’s office. They might show a fear of rejection, because I know I’m not afraid of being punished, however I am terrified of what others will think of me once I have been punished, and how their stereotype of my personality will change.
Now I attempt to reverse this dependency on others in any way possible and live life only the way I see fit, unrestricted by others opinions, and customs. Someone once said: “What is life if you don’t live it for yourself”, and I agree. The transition is however very difficult because of the ingrained reactions, expectations, and immediate stereotypes I have developed over the years. Those reactions, most of them are not my own. Most are other’s people’s view on what’s occurring at the moment, and how they would react. And even those thought they have of the situations may, and most likely, are not of their own making, but are the thoughts implanted in the consciousness by others, similarly as they are implanting them into me. The reason I began this entry was to write the specifics of such habitual actions, but I cannot recall them now, but am hoping to later include them and reference this section for the abstract behind the situations.
These situations not only limit being, but ability, creativity, imagination, and most of all acceptance of the new and different. Every person is themselves prey to their own habitual beliefs, and cannot hope to advance himself or herself any if he or she is subject to ancient prejudices and beliefs. For what is a human who is not willing to change and adapt to new and changing situations and times? This is why humans have come to dominate the planet, because they are the best in all of the kingdoms at adapting quickly and effectively. True, as always, is that there needs to be a balance between the rejection prejudices and their use in order to achieve something practical, but it is also true that when people age they are less likely to accept the new, and will live in the old times. Grandparents are a prime example of this kind of transformation. They learn once and are open to change and development, but once they shut this down they are not willing any more to change or risk their values and morals for new ones, perhaps because of the same fear of not belonging to a classification.
It is hypocritical of people when they most times openly detest the idea of being classified into a group and labeled because they feel they are independent, but when they are given an opportunity or asked to forgo their values and morals for new ones, they reject them and say the same, they are independent when they are actually openly, but unknowingly conforming to a group standard. They fear the new values, not reject them, because of this fear of rejection, but to themselves they cannot truthfully say: “I am an X”, not without the approval of the members of the group X the belong to and usually not until someone else is the first member to propose such a classification will they admit their classification, and then reluctantly until most of the group does so. I cannot limit my being, my ideas, my life, my cognition to what others will think acceptable and I cannot feel guilt, as I usually do, when I think on my own inside of a group for fear of rejection.
It seems all of my emotions which are counterintuitive toward my own ideas occur because I am afraid of social rejection.

It is simple to give others advice that you wish you could follow yourself (Lord Henry). Parents often do this. They try to cover up their own insecurities and shame by trying to change their children into someone they wish they were. Shame never creates change (Psychologist from Oprah).

I see the topic Oprah is discussing in three different ways. If I am on my own thinking about his subject, my conclusions and reasoning to those conclusions would be prone to many doubts, and in the end I would not remember the path I took toward them partially because I feel sine they are dubious they cannot be true. If I am discussing the same topic with a group of friends in English class as part of a novel, these doubts will be gone if a majority of the group support my point of view. Thirdly, if I watch the same discussion and same reasoning as the previous two situations on Oprah, I will have no doubts about the reasoning and the conclusions, and will remember the conclusions well and for some time.

Although all of the above about fear of rejection may be true, there exists another layer of hypocrisy in humans, they cannot help themselves when it comes to expression their own opinion in groups which are less than say two or three. One will indubitably assert himself or herself as the leader because of some self justified reason through his or her own morals or values. Neither member can stand to be told how to act by the others in such a small group and will greed for power, but if the group if larger and has already formed an opinion, he or she will be afraid of the power of such an opinion. As I’ve mentioned in a previous journal entry, it is much easier to talk than listen. This concept directly applies to this situation of offering advice to problems not of one’s own when in a small group. It would be more beneficial if not wiser as the saying goes (and its based, I believe, in much experience or I could be just following another social moral, which I will not need to experience myself to prove, as I have proved others to myself. But perhaps those are only proven because I have seen them as proven based on yet other social views?) to listen to others and critically and disconnectedly give one’s own opinion, in no way influenced by the group opinion (which is extremely difficult and demanding to do) than to offer immediate solutions to any problem in expectation (this is a topic itself and dangerous; it has a separate journal topic devoted solely to itself) of acceptance and reverence by the group (which in small groups is most times unnecessary if one of the members reasons within himself or herself that they are deserving of this position and muscles his or her way pompously into a ruling position [this type of determination of an almost “divine” right can prove very dangerous in life and limb], but in large groups is much more needed as to reduce the size of the group to that having the equivalent threat of a smaller group and thus allowing for small group assumptions as above, and more)
For example, right now I know that I feel the need of acceptance and love. Humans are selfish. Being a human and selfish, I wish to join a group right now to remedy my feelings. The group will only accept me if I can benefit them in some way, perhaps with knowledge I have. Assume that I have K amount of knowledge which I can offer. I proceed to join the group and am relieved, but give up all of K knowledge to them. I come home with prejudices of the group which leave me unable to initiate anything on my own, thus I can only increase my knowledge by J amount this week because of previous habits I’ve formed for studying and gaining knowledge. Additionally, I am content and I like the feeling, so only naturally I give myself time to relax and feel the good feelings, assuring myself that this will not have any impact on my own ideas of what I wish to do. Next week I feel the same, and having seen good results in the group selfishly try to remedy my feelings again. This time I am rejected because they feel that L << K and not enough knowledge fro them to allow me to be part of the group. My mood, already depressed, becomes more sullen, and I spend three weeks at home, introverted and stuck to the TV not increasing my knowledge from L, and gaining fat F. After three weeks I realize what a waste of time this has been and what little reason I had to waste it, so I decide, reenergized to increase my knowledge L. However, since I’m out of practice my rate dL/dt is halved, but the amount of time it takes me to become discouraged from overworking and not enough social grouping is the same. After a week (as was the last time) I become aware of the same feeling, so I decide to visit the group again, thinking that I have knowledge to offer now, and feeling somewhat better about myself since I’ve gained it by myself. However, it turns out that since dL/dt was halved L < K, still, thus I am rejected again. This rejection, not only does the exact same as the previous, but creates a longer lasting depression time because I feel that my own effort are not meeting my beliefs and expectations (even though these are not set by me but were imparted on my by the group). Thus the cycle continues, lengthening my depression times, further decreasing dL/dt, and never allowing me to become again accepted into the group. Perhaps sometime in the future I gain K somehow, and am accepted at the group. When I come home I feel good, and reassure myself that feeling good will not detract any time from my gaining knowledge and continuing my life as I see fit. However the lack of practice does do just that and next week J Now perhaps I seek another group since this one is rejecting me so often, but I still need to change my feelings of loneliness. This group is one where the prejudices say that gaining knowledge is OK, and is even encouraged. When I visit the group I not only satisfy my feelings, but I gain L > K knowledge. During the week I, being unable to initiate anything on my own, only gain J knowledge. Next week I feel as though I should go back to group 1 because I miss the fun old times there, and am somewhat morally bound to it, plus there is a girl I very much like to see and fantasize being with. I go, am accepted, and have more fun, but my self initiative is again drowned. The following week I only gain J knowledge again ( I’m not really keeping track of total knowledge now, so don’t take this too literally). I continue to visit group1 because, group 2 seemed “not cool” according to my group 1 morals I’ve become accustomed to (because I satisfied my feelings of loneliness). Eventually I am rejected by group1 again because my knowledge is I shouldn’t gain knowledge only when I’m in the presence of group2, b/c they favor doing that, and disapprove of self initiative. This disapproval comes from the greed for power of people in that group who feel it is their right to be leader, having final say on issues, thus forming the group to mold to their opinion, AND to have the acceptance of the group on top of that. But I hypothesize that they will eventually become bored with this group since all of the members are followers and offer no challenge to them and will unknowingly have ruined the lives of weaker members they have rejected!

If I am going to have fun, I cannot greed fore more fun at the same time. If I do, I will try to achieve something which I did with concentration, which I do not possess b/c I’m having fun, and will not be able to do it, not gaining any of them fun I was greedy for and at the same time lowering the amount of fun I’m having b/c of the frustration during my attempt.

I’m beginning to see the two sides of my feelings which I will need to balance in the future. The depressed part comes for example when I read a solution to a physics problem from the solution’s manual, and I feel so very low because the ideas do not make any sense. Perhaps I feel this way because I think that since I do not understand them the ideas which I have compiled are useless and in no way progress toward these ideal states of solutions presented in a book (this reverence of the problems is similar to looking at people as ideal people, like the people on Oprah). The elated feelings come when I have solved a problem and wish only to feel the pleasure of solving that problem, however I also want to feel this indefinitely so I reject my previous vows and commitments to myself for this addictive state of being. Achieving this feeling is why I vow to myself in the first place.


I found myself feeling ashamed, or trying to at least, of calling my friends yesterday. Why? Perhaps I feel that I should not have tried because I’m sitting here now with nothing to do, alone at home. Or because attempts such as these are futile and lead only to what I have here, this is perhaps the generalization I’m making. However, I am strong enough now to reject these feelings and silly generalizations. There is another area however in which my mastery fails me even though its basis of strength is in the same principles. Finding out an answer to a problem and how it’s worked, etc. makes me feel exactly the same. Now I usually have the second suggested reason for reacting, and do react that way almost all of the time outside of school, maybe I have no confidence in my ability to produce meaningful and useful conclusions from what I’m attempting to learn or maybe it’s habitual. Whatever the case, an remedy is analogous to the application for the previous mentioned malady & I must be aware of these situations when they occur so I may mend them. When I do, and I have before numerous times, I’m usually ecstatic about learning a new approach treasuring and remembering it almost instantly. This makes me very happy and motivated to do more on the subject, not prone to questioning the derivations of anything, but content to take what I’ve just learned at face value and apply it. I generally notice that when I work physics problems, I tend to stray, most especially when I do not solve one correctly, toward “reviewing” the materials I had read before so as to find a mistake. However this act itself is a mistake, because I cannot hope to find something in such a quick time span and understand it in order to apply it to the problem to understand my mistake and correctly solve the problem. It is enough the to realize this situation fits the descriptions above, and take the solution at face value to further my understanding of the concepts that way, like an extension of the chapter, which it really is, no matter if the problems were “meant” and possible to be worked by students finished with the chapter. This last statement will have no impact on me! Problems are there for learning and practice of skills. Perhaps some can solve them with the right background in similar situations, but they do, in order to have this “similar” background, take problems’ solutions at face value and increase their knowledge that way.
The main thing to remember is that no matter how much I feel as though I’ve failed I cannot allow myself to feel that way and I must realize that as an exercise (compare it to my guitar learning) the beginnings will be difficult and very impossible, but that in the end with daily work they will become better. This I can rely on because I truly have a feel for what I am saying in experience with the guitar, however this should be applied to any act a person feels they have struggled through and in the end persevered.

Perhaps I feel that plans are spoiling me. Plans are expectations. Expectations are what spoiled, greedy people are known for, and if not met are quite unruffled and dissatisfied in life. So plans are expectations and therefore longingly greeded for, but when not met ruin my day. Perhaps this is why I feel trapped when I made a plan and savor in spontaneity because it’s spoiling me and I cannot strand that idea.