Old Journals

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Today is a sad day for me b/c the SMP program is over for the year. However, I've learned a great deal of many things, so it's only emotionally sad in lieu of loss of contact with the people I know. But in this sense it brings me to analyze my relations with others.

I cannot be greedy, and just like I cannot hope to be an expert in any subject I study, I cannot hope to know all of the people I meet, not even that, but all of the people I deem necessary to know. There are just too many people. This in turn places more burdens on my own moral definitions, which define to what extent I will engage in an activity, or a personal relationship. There are totally nonspecific, and arbitrary in the sense that I create them from my own experiences with the world.

Just as I've seen I cannot be greedy about what I learn, and who I know, I cannot be greedy in what I say so much that I am no longer able to take into account what is being taught to me, and internalize some belief, and sense from it, because I am so anxious in wanting to pose my questions. I must learn to sacrifice the time when I will ask ?ns, or the ?ns themselves.

I must also be very, very, VERY, VERY ( I could stress is any more . . ) weary, and cautious about what temporary distractions, I allow to become my obsessions. After all this goes back to the argument of placing the big stones in the jar b4, not after, one has places the fine sand grains into the jar. (E.g. do I allow a soccer session to dominate my life, and miss 1 physics session of 7, when I know that I was just as crazy about ping-pong which I no longer play)

The answer to the example, solely depends on my morals even though it strongly hints that soccer should not take precedence, however it does not directly SAY that ( something which I notice more and more about physics books; anything directly NOT stated is NOT true, just as if something IS directly stated then is always TRUE)


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