Old Journals

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


lets see what I think about the following proposal. When under the influence of alcohol, most people stereotype and say that alcohol should impair whatever and anything you do. However I think this is totally bogus stereotype. Alcohol inhibits the sensing of unpleasant feelings while you're are tying to formulate an opinion about a topic. W/o it you tend to suppress the intuitive and natural feelings you have though your prejudices which your have acquired. Children tend not to suppress these feelings just like adults on alcohol. It's simply make life more simple, taking away all of the emotional aspects of it, which here I’m classifying as the feelings which normally under any circumstances lower one's intellect and abilities in a given situation. So thus, the situation seems paradoxical, and in a total sense almost the opposite of expected: Alcohol is supposed to inhibit and lower whatever senses and abilities of a humanoid form you had before, only that it does not do this, but in fact rehabilitates it much further, creating an overly relaxed and highly intelligent form, who's ( I don't think the context of "who's" is appropriate here [and who's w/ the quote mark its especially new to me as it the "quote" phase I just mentioned; never, both, been experienced b4)

{ha the 1..2 makes sense in the sense that its and extended version of the 'month.day.year' w/ additional items receiving more '.''s and also it seems to look like a 'X though (as represented by the dots) Y' term}

(cont. paragraph 1st on this page) abilities are much more intone with the environment and are completely, well nothing is absolute so this is a poor choice of words, but very much so, in affinity with the situation and problems at hand, helping, thus, to contemplate their solutions and reasonings much faster, and in clearer ways than not imaginable before. These ways much have been imaginable b4, however they were much inhibited by the persona of the individual (fun y if I had said 'person' instd. Of individual)

So what do the public/w ho see themselves, and by the support of their peer's similar opinions (although those are mostly the opinions won by the person making the beginning statement in the first place by the humanitarian disposition of leader and followers) judge in these 'drunken' individuals. Because of their own insecurities, they judge, and by self-righteousness (in belief that what they feel and say is the ultimate an undebatable truth of the world and no other thing or being can say so more about this), that what they hold is true [see last mentioned parenthesis]. Thus they let that stomach wrenching feeling creep into their body and drive them to believe, forcefully, that what they are doing is right, while at the same time making them feel very miserable inside; self worthless and seemingly incapable of producing results acceptable by anybody but themselves. Yet because they already feel very depressed and disparaged they cannot possibly (I'm blabbering with these damn adjectives here) admit to themselves that what they have done is something which is completely against what they aspire to do. And when they aspire later on, their aspirations are shot down by this feeling, which was ironically brought about by their own self-righteousness and ultimate belief in themselves – this seems like a self destructive recursive algorithm, or what you may call this procedure.


So thus I think I was very much in the fright to calm emotions a sense when I last wrote about hi sentry ( not two or more days ago) on the laptop. They are b/c when the external senses are numbed by such sedatives as alcohol then this leaves the full capacity of the individual into play and allow them not to feel any remorse of displeasure &/ distress about the he/she is doing at the moment and how he/she (I hate, well not really HTATE, writing 'he/she') is thinking at the moment. Therefore, (too many logic transition words here, don't like them) allows for the fill power of the mind to be focused on whatever the task is at hand and nothing more and definitely nothing less. So all of the magical power of immediate, seemingly infinite computing power is focused NOT on the individual's feelings but on solving the problem the individual has set and wished his/her brain to produce a result for in, or begin diligently to produce a result for, this very moment.

The Morning After


Either I can believe that good days are a reward after having to experience numerous normal (or bad) days or I can believe that I can make every day a glorious one, and the normal/bad ones, are just beyond my reach of control for the moment. Now tell me which one is pessimistic and which one optimistic? The answer is obvious.

So should a child work for a reward to save him/her self from the misery of his/her daily life, or should he/she live it and not be shielded vs. the evil of life, and when those evils are experienced will be able to judge just how good life is on a normal time, and just how glad it is.

So an unpleasant experience is only needed to put the pleasant ones in perspective as such. Then why do most folks, when they interact, not realize that they accuse, coerce, and suggest to their surrounding acquaintances. These are felt by others, or more so sensed by their consciousness, which drives them to ruminate those miniscule sayings their friends have spoken to them, and upon the rumination, create a self stress, through a self hurt, sensed in their own consciousness (b/c consciousness is a sense as above). Why not flower other's with neutral tidings, of the facts about them, neutral tidings, not involved with a conscious sense? This way all can be happy.

However, not all the time is this the best approach. There must be balance, and I concede that there exist times when dealing with others in the way rebuked to above, is useful, as a way of placing the goodness of one's other action's in perspective.

So there a shield is not only necessary from other's comments to a person, but from his/her comments to themselves. Through his/her own comments, a human can cause even more damage than an outsider could, in my opinion. Through his/her comments, a human, if habituated to do so, can distort their own abilities, as I have, and lower one's intellect, creativity/ingenuity.

The best description of this shield is the sense of numbness achieved when moderately drunk (not to the point of inability to stand, but to the point where all emotional connections with any though, relation w/ another, etc. are faded away, so that they cause little or no noticeable distress in the form of nagging pangs, or other unpleasanties IBS, burps, sweat, etc.).


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